Read this for some handy information on using Pads. Read this especially if you have used one of the beta versions of pads, as you may have missed some ease-of-use features that were added. Also read this if you have read the "Pads Overview" but have not thoroughly read the "Pads User Manual" yet.
• Keyboard Shortcuts
Edit Title Command-Space
You can use this to enter "Edit Title" mode at any time to create, delete or modify the title of the current page. Typing this is equivalent to clicking the "Edit TItle" button.
Previous Page Command-2 or Command-Left-Arrow
Next Page Command-3 or Command-Right-Arrow
You can also go to the next or previous page by clicking the green arrow buttons, but these shortcuts allow you to flip pages without taking your hands off the keyboard. WIth the arrow keys, you can also rapidly flip through pages by holding down the key combination.
Show/Hide Tear-Off Windows Command-T
Show/Hide Pad Windows Command-H
Toggle the visibility of all tear-off windows, or all Pad document windows, with these commands. Allows you to work with or view just the tear-offs or just the Pad window.
• Sorting Pages in Titles View
When you select the Titles tab, you can view a list of your pages sorted by title, by page number, or by modification date. Just click on the label at the top of the column you want to sort. The current field sorted is indicated by underlining the label. For instance, initially the entries are sorted by page number, and the "Page" label at the top is underlined.
• Reordering Pages in Titles View
This is the only way to change the order of pages in a category. You must be in Titles view and the entries must be sorted by page number. If they are not already sorted by page number, click the "Page" label in the header at the top to sort them by page. Then you can change the order of the entries by clicking and dragging each entry to the position you want it to occupy. The new order will be reflected in the Pages view when you are sequentially moving through pages.
• New Page WIth Clipboard button
The third button at the top of the Pages view is the "New Page WIth Clipboard" button. This creates a new page in the current category using the current contents of the Clipboard. This button allows you to easily make new notes from text copied from other sources (a text document, an email message you received, a web page, etc.) Just: